Tuesday, March 18, 2008

$1600 ER visit

We got the bill for Jayden's trip to the ER. Sixteen hunnerd bucks. That's right One Thousand Six Hundred dollars. Crossing my fingers that our insurance doesn't find a way to weasel out of that bill.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Kylee

Dear Kylee,
I am so happy we are married. I thank my lucky stars you still love me. Whenever I try to tell you how much I love you, the words I write never measure up to the love I feel for you. So, I'll just say I love you.
Kylee, I love you.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Camille's primary baptism talk

Here is the talk Camille and I wrote for her primary class on Sunday.

I turned 8 on February 29. I was baptized the very next day on March 1st at the stake center. All my family showed up. My grandmas and grandpas where there so where my Aunts and Uncles and Cousins. My Grandma gave a talk about the Lord Jesus Christ getting baptized and how that was an example for us to follow.

2 Nephi chapter 31 verse 5

5 And now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfill all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!

Then we went to the font and I was baptized by my dad. After I felt different in a good way. It was a special day. Then my Aunt Lindsey gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. She showed us some symbols of what the Holy Ghost gives us.

First is a map, a symbol of the Holy Ghost helping us find the right ways.

Second is scriptures, a symbol that the Holy Ghost can teach us truth and help us understand the words of God.

Third is a flashlight, a symbol that the Holy Ghost is like a light in the darkness. It helps us see the good and true things.

Fourth is a compass, a symbol that the Holy Ghost always points us to our Heavenly Father. Just like a compass always points north.

Last is a comforter blanket, a symbol that the Holy Ghost will give us warmth and comfort during difficult times.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Carpet Cleaners and Happiness

So, Jayden woke up at mid-night Monday night screaming his head off. He ran to the kitchen, did a u-turn for the bathroom but wound up puking in the hallway. He settled down a bit after throwing up. I whipped out the carpet cleaner and fixed the hallway. By then Jayden was screaming again and dry-heaved a few times into the toilet. He was completely inconsolable after that. I have never heard any of our kids make that big of a fuss. Kylee grabbed her keys and ran him to the ER. It took 3 shots of morphine at the ER to settle him down. During the ultrasound of his innards, the morphine kicked in and he was the happiest little man. So they didn't find anything specific and decided it was a crazy stomach flu. That seems to have been the case. He has been just fine. He asked to go back to the hospital because he likes it so much :)