Yeah... Here you go Linz, this post is for you :)
Friday - 10/30 Small cough develops, more of a throat tickle than anything. Almost like my asthma is acting up. I decide to go home early at 4pm. By 9pm my fever has started. At 10:30 I'm feeling really hot and our ancient ear-clicker thermometer doesn't think I have a fever. The headache sets in and the body aches start. I'm coughing regularly by now. I send Kylee to buy a new one but there isn't an ear clicker thermometer to be found for miles around. She picks up a 10 dollar under the tongue digital thermometer. It works great and tells me I'm at 102.5 degrees.
Saturday - 10/31 I read the symptoms for the swine flu and I have all the usual symptoms. I get a Dr. appt and he confirms my self-diagnosis and prescribes Tamiflu since I have asthma. Sorry Halloween, I'm going to have to pass. I stay home and Kylee takes the kids out Trick-or-Treating. By Friday night, I am way tired of the constant headache. It's bad enough to have the flu but the constant nagging head-ache is just no fair!
Sunday - Monday - 11/1 to 11/2 I feel the same... achy, headache, cough, fatigue, fever... I lay around all day taking numerous 2 hour naps. I hardly even feel like goofing around on the computer or watching TV.
Tuesday - 11/3 Hurray, my fever is down! I'll be right as rain in no time...
Wednesday - Monday 11/4 to 11/9 or so I thought. The headache doesn't go away, the fatigue is still debilitating and the cough is not going anywhere. Good thing I have lots of sick leave saved up.
Tuesday - 11/10 I think I'll go to work today. Maybe I can hide the cough and my headache is finally gone. After 2 hours of work, I'm so tired my boss sends me home.
Wednesday - 11/11 1/2 day at work. The cough is barely improving. A coworker complains to my boss that I shouldn't be at work.
Thursday - 11/12 I have the energy to get through a day of work but I'm spent when I get home. The cough marginally better.
Friday - 11/13 I put in a full day at work. I attempt a workout, I get about 1/4 of my workout in before I get dizzy and quit.
Saturday - Friday - 11/14 to 11/20 I go to work but have no energy for much more than that. I still cough up small amounts of junk regularly and I don't even bother attempting exercise. Each day is marginally better than the last. Boy this thing just won't give up.
Saturday - 11/21 I take the kids out shooting guns in a brave attempt at feeling all better but by the time I get home, I'm done for the day...
Sunday - 11/22 I think I might be making real improvement today.
Monday (today) I finally, finally feel 99% better. I do about 1/2 my normal workout during lunch break. I barely cough all day long and I cook dinner while Kylee takes our son in for a double ear infection.