Friday, June 26, 2009

Goji berry starts

Experiment 2925C
Subject: Goji Berry Seeds
Variables: Normal potting soil, Crosslinked Polymer, Vermicompost

Inquiry: How much does the initial planting medium affect germination and growth of Goji berry seeds?
Study duration: 10 weeks
Measures of Success: Seedlings will be measured for height, width and number of leaves
Method: Goji berry seeds were purchased from a local vendor. Germination rate is unknown. The control group was planted in normal potting soil about 1 week ago. Today I planted the rest of the seeds either in either agricultural grade crosslinked polymer or vermicompost harvested from my european nightcrawler bin.
Here is the crosslinked polymer. I added approximately 1 cup polymer to 1 quart water but quickly found out I need about twice that much water.

Adding the polymer to seed starting trays

Vermicompost on the left, polymer on the right

3 comments: said...

My gosh, you are really a serious gardner. i think this entire hobby is satisfying the chemist in you too. I am so impressed.

256_shades_of_grey said...

It has become something of an addiction. I fear my family will have to have an intervention at some point :)

LINDSEY said...

Hurry, I'm waiting at the edge of my seat for the next pics