Monday, March 22, 2010
So, its about time I put up a picture or two of the greenhouse. I had to remove most of the panels last fall because the wind was huffing and puffing and blowing the greenhouse down. So I put up 6 4x4 posts inside and put two 2x4 rails around it. I bought bolts that fit the rails the greenhouse came with. I slid them in and used Dad's suggestion to cut PVC pipe to make spacers.
Dad came over and helped hang the center two 2x4 rails and we re-hung the door on a 2x4 so it wouldn't blow away. Saturday, I glued in PVC and attached a bunch of micro-sprinklers to the undersides of the shelves. Hopefully, that will keep the plants watered while I'm at work. Today I dug the trench for the water supply line and started gluing that in. Luckily I was smart enough to think ahead 5 years ago when I originally did the backyard. I added an extra valve and piped it out to the backyard and left it in the ground. That has saved me hours and hours of work. I just had to dig up the pipe and glue onto it.
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