Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween or Hallo-weenies

I don't know why I'm surprised but hardly anyone dressed up for Halloween. Gosh, idiots...

Question: Who am I dressed as for Halloween?
Answer: Dwight K. Schrute, only the best Halloween costume ever. We Schrutes pride ourselves in our Halloween costume choices. Great Great Great Great Aunt Bernice did such a great witch costume that she was burned at the stake.


Hilary J. said...

thanks for the laugh. yes it was actually "out loud". so loud, I actually felt the need to spell the words and not abbreviate.

azl said...

Handing out Schrute Bucks was also a very nice touch.

256_shades_of_grey said...

*ElvisVoiceOn* Thank you, Thank you very much *ElvisVoiceOff* said...

Do you know that I really, really love you techno kit. I still remember you sitting at that old, dos computer, madly trying to program it or whatever in the heck you were doing. I just wore my wrinkles for Halloween. Love and kisses to my darling grandchildren and sweet daughter in law.